Children's Ministry
Children’s Ministries at Faith Community Church
We’re here to serve and support parents in the discipleship of their children as they grow into the community. Our guiding principles:
1. LEARNING THE TRUTH – Teaching Biblical values and authority at age-appropriate levels.
2. LIVING THE GOSPEL – Bringing good news to the children of Faith Community Church, the “mission field” within our church.
3. LOVING THE FAMILY – Partnering with parents to minister to children together.

Sunday Morning (Sunday School)
9:00 a.m. Service – Available for infants through 6th grade
10:45 a.m. Service – Available for infants through 4th grade
Goal – Our Sunday School Classes exist to teach your children the wonderful truth about God’s plan throughout the entirety of Scripture. Our goal is to give your students solid biblical teaching to support the teaching you are doing at home.
Wednesday Evening (AwanaTM-Like Children’s Program)
6:00 – 6:30 p.m. – All-ages family dinner*
6:30 – 8:30 p.m. – Kid’s Club (Pre-K – 6th Grade)
*Suggested donation of $3 per person. Other church programs for adults, women, teenagers, and spanish-speakers on Wednesdays
New to Faith Community Church?
If you are planning to join us on a Sunday, you can pre-register here:
Where do I go when I arrive Sunday morning?
- The main sanctuary is on the main level and there is a check-in station to the right when you walk in. There is also a welcome center in the foyer if you have questions. Our nursery is also conveniently located on our main floor. Downstairs are all of our classrooms, and there is a lower entrance with a check-in station there as well. Our staff can help you find your classroom.

How do I check-In?
- All children (Nursery-4th Grade) are required to be checked-in by a parent before heading to the classroom on Sunday mornings. Their account can be created onsite once you arrive at the Welcome Center (located in the church foyer) or in advance using the link above.
- You will check-in at a kiosk when you arrive and receive a sticker (name tag) and a parent tag for pick-up. A Faith Welcome Center representative can help you find the appropriate room downstairs for each child, which can also be found on the sticker.
What’s your vision statement, policies for volunteers and safety?
- All of that info can be found here.
Is this Sunday School?
- Different churches go by different names, Sunday School, Children’s Church, Kids Ministry, whatever you want to call it, we exist to teach kids about Jesus, and give parents an opportunity to worship.
What’s the difference between Kid’s Club and AwanaTM?
- While the Church used to do AWANA, we have found that by creating our own program and curriculum, our attendance increased significantly and our students are more engaged. We get to tailor the teaching to our kids, and we have taught through books like Matthew, Jude, and Jonah. We will also regularly do a study of Genesis with a focus on Worldview. Most of the elements are the same, Fellowship, Bible Verse memorization, Bible teaching, and fun games!
What if my child has special needs?
- We have a Special Needs Team ready to serve any students that join us for a Sunday. Depending on each classes needs we will have one on one aids, or just a special needs helper who assists when needs arise. Due to the varied nature of special needs, if you have questions, or you have questions about our team in any way please email Tommy Fandre. Sometimes it has been helpful to communicate before a families first visit so we can prep our team and also prep the student before a visit, so we welcome that communication and any help we can give before coming to church.
What if my child came with a friend?
- They can check-in as a guest with the family that brought them.
Can my child attend regular Sunday morning service?
- Yes, some families highly value worshipping together as a family, and we encourage those that do. Some families prefer to send their children to both services of Children’s Ministry, some go to one and when worship together.
How can I volunteer?
- Members of the church can apply to work with minors and volunteer in the classroom. If that is something you are interested in, please email Tommy Fandre.
I have more questions. Who can I contact?
- Tommy Fandre, our Children’s Ministry Director, will be happy to answer all of your questions.
To receive regular updates on our Children’s Ministry Department, subscribe to our newsletter here: