FCC Biblical Counseling Ministry

At Faith Community Church our counseling ministry is an extension of the shepherding of our local body, therefore this ministry is directly under the oversight of our elders and pastors. We believe that God’s Word has the answers to the problems that we face in life and that His word is the basis for all of our counseling. Yet even though God’s word is the authority for our counsel, we still believe there is a necessity to be trained and equipped with God’s sufficient word in order to be biblically helpful to people. That is why we have all of our counselors certified or in certification process with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC), which requires rigorous training, education, and supervised counseling hours. We take counseling very seriously and want to ensure that you receive wise, biblical counsel.

If you are part of FCC and are in need of help, we would love to minister God’s word to you. To begin the process, please get in touch with Greg at the below email. If you are not a part of Faith Community Church, you are more than welcome to reach out for counseling. We will approach these scenarios on a case-by-case basis. Finally, if you have any questions about this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to us with your questions.

Please complete the form below to get the counseling process started. Thank you, and we pray God would use this time in counseling to draw you closer to himself.

Meet Our Counseling Team

Dr. Greg Gifford

Trinity Classical Academy

https://www.trinityclassicalacademy.com/cf_cloudflare/01/data/media/video/1080p/484.mp4?rand=1736394924406 Location: What are the greatest advantages for students and parents? Trinity offers a challenging education grounded in the Christian faith and Classical tradition to

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Relationships also need generous doses of something to operate correctly: love.

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