Faith Student Ministry
Faith Community Church is committed to the Truth, the Gospel, and Family. At FSM, we seek to live out these convictions in the following ways:
TRUTH – We are committed to preaching Christ crucified and risen (1 Cor 1:23; 15:1-4) and bringing the Word of God to bear upon the lives of our students (2 Tim 4:2).
GOSPEL – We are committed to seeing the salvation and sanctification of each student so that his or her life can be presented to God as a life of true worship (Rom 12:1-3; 1 Pet 2:5; Heb 12:28-29).
FAMILY – We are committed to coming alongside parents as a helper (2 Tim 3:14-15), discipling students through small groups (Luke 9:23), and providing students a place to connect with each other and enjoy life (Ps 118:24).

Dillon Webb, Director of Student Ministries, and his wife Payton.

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