Vacation Bible School


July 8-12, 2024

Monday – Thursday 8:45 am -12:15 pm 
Friday evening 5:30 – 7:30 

Come enjoy closing assembly and dinner  for the entire family! 


Students entering Kindergarten through graduating 6th graders. All our students are encouraged to invite friends. Spots will be given first to church families and then friends they invite, then to others based on volunteer levels. 

How Much?

$25 per student, includes a T-Shirt, all craft materials, snacks every day, and the Friday Night Dinner. There is a discount provided for larger families. 

Scholarships are available, please email [email protected] if you need financial assistance

When do I register?


Where do I register?

~At the link below!

Contact Tommy Fandre at [email protected] with any questions.

Online registration is not guaranteed and dependent on volunteer support. 
Students MUST be registered by Parents or Legal Guardian, we are not able to handle a daycare or other entity registering on behalf of family. 


Looking to Volunteer?

We love our volunteers and helpers!

Who can help?

Members of Faith Community Church. In order to serve with minors at Faith you must:
– Be a Member of the Church in good standing.
– Complete a Children’s Ministry Application.
– Pass a “Livescan” Background check. 
– Complete a 1 hour Online Training
We have a few limited spots available for Regular attenders of Faith to serve, but they are limited in capacity. 

How Much?

No Charge for volunteers

When do I register?


Where do I register?

~At the link below!

Contact Tommy Fandre at [email protected] with any questions.