Care Ministry Update

Care Ministry Update

Did you know that Faith Community Church has a Care Team?  Our Care Team exists to assist our Members who have a pressing financial need due to unforeseen circumstances such as job loss, medical bills, or a surprise car repair.  Our Meal Ministry is ready to provide practical help to those facing illness or injury or who are welcoming a new addition to the family.  We can also provide gift cards for groceries and gas.  We even have a small Food Pantry with basic food, household, and hygiene items.  Should you find yourself in need of assistance, please contact:

Care Oversight:  Brian Jones
Meal Ministry: Laurie Adachi
Food Pantry:  Susan Consolo

NOTE:  The Food Pantry is in need of paper and plastic bags for those using the Pantry.  If you have extra bags you would like to donate, please drop them off downstairs in the Pantry on Sunday morning.