Praising God for Spring
Written by Steve Jackson | Senior Pastor

One of the amazing things about living in Southern California is the nearly ever-present sunshine and blue skies. I still pinch myself on January days when the sun is out and I’m enjoying a prayer walk without the need for a jacket. But there is one downside to the nearly constant sunshine – we don’t fully appreciate the spring.
My daughter is attending college in Ohio. She has walked through one of the coldest winters in recent history. But the cold is only part of the challenge of winter in the Midwest. From November to March, the sun is all but covered by a blank, gray sky. Most people become blue and irritable partly due to the lack of serotonin the sun helps the brain provide and partly due to being trapped indoors nearly all day long. Cabin fever is a real thing!
But then the most amazing thing happens: the sun reappears! The birds begin to sing. Color begins to reemerge. Spring can feel euphoric! On the first day winter begins to thaw, nearly everyone is outside, giddy with the newness of spring. Spring feels like new life, a resurrection of the soul. So when my daughter called the other day on the first day of sunshine feeling energized, excited, and ready to go for a run, I recalled the glory of spring.
The Bible does not shy away from using the analogy of spring to teach us many lessons. The prophet Hosea calls Israel and Judah to return to the Lord, and says, “Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD; His going out is sure as the dawn; He will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth” (Hosea 6:3).
When we return to the Lord, it is like the joy of spring with all the hope of new life.
And our God loves to bring new life. Isaiah reminds us that God’s Word is like the spring rains – they always accomplish God’s purposes; they always bring new life (Isaiah 55:10-11). Later, Isaiah will teach us that the Lord will bring forth righteousness and praise before all the nations just as the earth brings forth new life during spring (Isaiah 61:11). The Psalmist reminds us that the righteous are like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in due season (Psalm 1:3). Spring is a visual reminder that God always is at work to bring forth new life, even when the ground looks dormant.
James urges us to emulate the patience of the farmer who waits for the precious fruit of the earth that the early rains of spring produce (James 5:7). There, James reminds us to be patient as we wait for the coming of the Lord. But the principle also applies to a hard-working patience that waits for God to bring forth His harvest of growth in our lives.
Even in those times when it seems as though nothing is growing, God is preparing the soil for the spring rains and the budding life to follow
My prayer for you is that you might experience your own spring this month. May God bring forth new growth, new life in you. May He usher in a refreshment of joy that comes with the hope of a new season. And even if it feels as though nothing is sprouting, may He remind you that the spring rains are coming and the fruit He has planned will come to harvest in its due season.